In keeping with the Local Government Reform Agenda of disseminating information as well as offering transparency into the dealings and operations of central government, the Manchester Parish Council has taken strides to incorporate the citizens of the parish in its endeavor to effect change and provide positive solutions to daily lives of the people whom they serve. Of the many mediums through which this reformation has began, the regular holding of town hall meetings within each electoral division of the respective constituencies, has burgeoned into a platform that promotes healthy interactivity between residents and the various agencies that work in tandem with the council.
The forum gatherings are kicked off with a welcome from the presiding councillor for the division and then proceed into an informative segment where each participatory department and/or external agency presents an overview of their roles and functions as well as the procedures to follow for any situation that falls within their jurisdiction. Her Worship the Mayor, Brenda Ramsey, along with Secretary Manager, Mr. David Parkes, present themselves in an open fashion so as facilitate meaning-full discussion with residents whose burning inquisitions and comments with regard to their immediate surroundings are tackled in a question and answer format. Also in attendance are representatives from the Tax Administration Office, National Water Commission, The Social Development Commission, National Solid Waste Agency, The Fire Department and The Police; all of whom seek to clarify any discrepancies and set a path forward better communication, foster better residential relationships between the council and respective agencies which are geared at providing a more efficient service to citizens of the parish of Manchester.